Lady Zhurong, sometimes known as Madam Zhurong, was a fictional character in the historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, a semi-fictional account of the Three Kingdoms era of China. She was the wife of Meng Huo, the king of the Nanman(known as 1 of the most ancient nation in the world) tribes of southern China. She claimed to be descended from the fire god Zhu Rong, from whom she acquired her name. Lady Zhurong was the only woman in the novel who took part in any of the fighting, battling against the Kingdom of Shu alongside her husband.te reason i paint her horse in red is bcoz she actually had the same species of horse with LuBu & GuanYu
at 1st i actually wanna try out some muted kind of colour mood kind of like kekai kotaki those colour mood ,but end up i cant do it ..=____=
try with some of the brushes which i not even use before.
influenced by chan mou
16th March 2010
medium : photoshop cs3